Shoes Off: Life on Holy Ground

In Shoes Off: Life on Holy Ground, Pastor Dave Mann explores life in the reality of God’s presence—that is, life on holy ground. Dave provides insight about our God who, though perfectly holy, is also personal. He is both high above it all and humble—wholly other and entirely near. But how can He be both?

In Jesus, God’s holiness and God’s love collide. It is Jesus who gives us access to live on holy ground. By exploring Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush, along with others’ encounters with God throughout the Bible, we discover the meaning of holiness and its significance for us today.

Dave helps to make the truths of the Bible understandable for anyone, from the most devout Christian to someone beginning to explore faith. His personal (and slightly embarrassing) stories and experiences make this journey into Scripture more fun.

So let’s kick off our shoes and discover life on holy ground! Buy it here.

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